Here’s Why You Don’t Need An Advertising Agency
The days of expensive agency middle-men are over. Here’s why you don’t need an advertising agency in 2019.
Long gone are the days of advertising agencies ruling the world. While they used to sit high up in their Madison Avenue offices, pitching ideas and building campaigns, modern times of marketing are changing.
We’re not here to diss the work that advertising agencies do. Instead, we want businesses like you to see how their methods of promotion have become outdated. In fact, many advertising entities are breaking apart, dissolving to make space for new companies that understand preset day media.
As a brand or business in 2019, we can’t think of any reason why you’d need an advertising agency to showcase and grow your business. What was once a race for the best copy, billboards and television spots – have now been tossed aside for more important practices. Such as social media, email marketing and high quality, professional photography.
So, if you’re considering an advertising agency – think twice. Here’s why you don’t need an advertising agency.
Related: 10 Reasons Why You Need Photography For Your Business
Here’s Why You Don’t Need An Advertising Agency
The Role of An Advertising Agency No Longer Applies
When advertising agencies were at their peak, the role they played in building brands and companies was highly important. They had the ability to take an idea and turn it into an effective and successful campaign, to influence consumers‘ behavior and ignite interest.
While advertising agencies were the powerhouses of print, radio and television – those methods of media are losing their relevancy in today’s modern world. Yes, some businesses still use these marketing techniques to attract and gain customers. And, that’s perfectly fine.
But, can you remember the last time you saw a new, fresh and young brand host a television spot? Do you ever hear anything other than car dealership advertisements on the radio? When’s the last time you signed up for direct mail to arrive at your door?
It’s likely that you didn’t even realize this was happening. That the advertising methods you or your parents grew up with, had slowly started to drift away. Yet, this massive change has been happening for years.
Now, we’re finding ourselves in a new age of media, dominated by technological advances. Social media, email marketing and online campaigns are the way of the future. And, many traditional advertising agencies just can’t keep up.
Related: Photography in Advertising: The 7 Types To Market Your Brand
These Are The Only Tools You Need To Successfully Market Your Business
So, if old school ways of marketing your business are no longer relevant – what tools do you need to build and grow a brand in 2019?
Instead of hiring an advertising agency, invest in the work of creatives that can bring your brand’s message and vision to the forefront of all your marketing initiatives. These include:
- Website Engineer & Designer: To build you a standout website that captivates & excites.
- Performance Marketer: Who understands how to effectively generate leads and conversions through outbound channels, email marketing and paid advertising.
- Social Media Manager: Your social media guru who handles all of your accounts and understands how to build a community and retain the interest of your consumers.
- Professional Photographer: To turn your brand’s message into a well crafted visual campaign. Utilize these images in all aspects of your business – website, emails, social media. They are the glue that will hold your marketing plan together.
Depending on the type of business you run, you may also consider hiring a content team to produce articles and written resources. And, a videographer to capture films for your brand campaigns. In short, this accumulation of creative talent is more than enough to successfully showcase your company in the marketing space.
Instead of spending thousands of dollars on an agency, put your money where the creative talent is. You’ll find that in 2019 – a well designed website, strong social media profiles, high quality images and a layered marketing approach – will put you steps ahead of your competition.
Related: How Photography Is Redefining the Way We Create Brand Campaigns
Say Goodbye to Expensive Agency Middle Men & Hello To The Hub
You know how we keep mentioning high quality photography? And, how it’s an incredibly important tool for marketing your business? In fact, without photography in our current visual age – you may as well pack up shop and go home. Yeah, photography is that important.
At the Hub, we understand that photography is what drives your business. It’s how consumers visualize what you have to offer and the way that they connect with your brand. Plus, photography builds professionalism, enforces brand identity and determines a creative voice. It’s the fabric of your business and it needs to be your utmost priority.
We like to consider ourselves the “Uber” of creators – connecting people like you, to talented and skilled photographers – anytime, anywhere. On our platform, we have over 35,000 creators across the world – ready to work with you on your next creative project.
Related: How to Build a Brand in 2019
We’re One of A Kind
Although, we’re often the modest type, we have to admit – there’s no one like us. We’re a one of kind, unique community that wants to help you grow your business by connecting you to vetted, hand picked photographers. We care about the future of your business and the creative careers of our photographers – that’s why we’ve created the Hub.
Now, that the news is out and the advertising agency is dead – you can use the Hub for all of your creative, visual needs. We’re dedicated to providing you top of the line content – faster, better and cheaper than those big advertising conglomerates. With the Hub, our services will bring you the visuals you need to grow your business, without breaking the bank.
Sounds pretty great, right?
If you’re curious to see what it’s all about, take a look here. And, if you’re ready to dive in and find the perfect photographer for you, sign up here.
It’s time to say goodbye to expensive agencies and hello to the Hub.
Related: Your Guide To Brand Marketing With a Photographer
The advertising world is decentralizing. Content is being created and produced by multiple creators, all around the country. There’s no longer a singular group of executives, pulling the strings of our ideas and owning our marketing strategies. It’s time for a new approach to advertising – a new age for building and growing your business.
With talented freelances, photographers and marketers – you can elevate your brand’s visibility in the marketplace. You can focus on what really matters – web design, photography and social media – as the forefront of your promotions. And, with our unique platform, you can find the best photographer for your next project, right at your fingertips.