Pinterest Brand Guidelines: 5 Ways To Utilize This Social Platform

A lot of brands seem to forget about Pinterest when coming up with a strategy on social media. Here are some Pinterest Brand Guidelines and five reasons why you shouldn’t sleep on this social platform. 

Pinterest Brand Guidelines: 5 Ways To Utilize This Social Platform
Pinterest Brand Guidelines: 5 Ways To Utilize This Social Platform

Pinterest is often left on the bench when it comes to creating a social strategy. Does that mean you should forget about it? Absolutely not. According to Forbes, Pinterest sits at the top of the eCommerce ladder with an average order value of $66.75 – beating out Facebook’s $55. With that being said, there is no way you can ignore this platform.

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Here are 5 ways to effectively utilize Pinterest for your brand. 

Pinterest Brand Guidelines

Speak To Your Female Audience 

Pinterest reigns supreme when it comes to cultivating a highly active female audience. Roughly 71% of all Pinterest users are women, according to a study from The Wall Street Journal. As far as the other social platforms go, only Facebook holds a higher number of female users. And, with 89% of millennial woman shopping online, let’s not forget the spending power of this demographic. 

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Inspire Purchases

Pinterest offers the ability to reduce the number of steps between discovery and conversion. The platform makes it much easier for people to engage with and purchase a product. This also means that you are less likely to see sponsored content from influencers directing you to buy a product via their post, as Hubspot states in a recent article. 

Pinterest sources its images directly from websites, which eliminates the middleman and allows users to buy directly from the platform. With Pinterest being able to convert leads to sales faster than any other social platform, there is a reason the order value on this platform continues to grow. 

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Pins Have A Longer Lifespan

Unlike most social media sites, pins have a very long lifespan. Because of Pinterest’s algorithm, it pulls images based off of your interests – no matter how old the link might be. So, as long as the image source link is still active, the image can be pinned. This is how retailers such as Urban Outfitters make 15K plus a month by utilizing Pinterest as a selling tool.  

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Build Your Website Traffic

Pinterest is a great tool for linking posts back to your website to drive more traffic. As Pinterest sources most of its images from actual links to websites, the chances of someone actually clicking through and ending on your page are quite high. Being a visual-based eCommerce site with little to no mental engagement is very attractive to users. Since, we are constantly bombarded with information 24 hours a day – Pinterest relieves some of this pressure.  

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Easily Engage With Users 

A great thing about Pinterest is that the platform is not centered around creating your own content. There is no social pressure to cultivate a specific lifestyle to share to gain engagement. Users on Pinterest, however, are eager to share their dream rooms, wedding plans and life aspirations. Pinterest users don’t seem to be too concerned with gaining followers or re-pins. They are more focused on creating aesthetically pleasing mood boards to share with their friends. 

Unlike Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, users on Pinterest are actually engaging and taking action on the site. 70% to be exact. Brands are starting to take notice of this. And, have started adding “Pin this product” to listings, in hopes that customers will be inclined to share on their Pinterest boards. Not only does this allow brands to get free promotion, it gives the user something to talk about. Because who doesn’t want to show off their awesome, brand-new shoes?

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What are your thoughts on using Pinterest as part of a bigger social strategy? Let us know your thoughts on Instagram at @H_Collective.