5 Tips On How To Write A Blog Post That People Actually Engage With


This is your issue: you want to write a blog post but you don’t know how to write engaging content. Don’t worry, a lot of people struggle with this, and that’s why we’re here to help you.

Writing a compelling blog post that is worth engaging with can be hard. If you’re not a writer, per se, it can be a bit of a challenge to grab someone’s attention through your words. There’s a lot that goes into crafting and formatting a blog post that’s worth engaging with, but it’s easy enough once you get the hang of it. To begin, you have to understand, do some research, and learn about the technical and emotional aspects of your blog.

5 Tips On How To Write An Engaging Blog Post

1. Hook your readers in.

First things first: come up with a title. Grab readers in with a compelling headline and make them want to click on your post. Honestly, you want to write something that is clickbaity.

For example, if you’re a sustainable fashion business trying to promote your products, you could write something like “5 Things You Need In Your Sustainable, Eco-friendly Wardrobe.” The “you need this” aspect of the title makes readers question, “Why do I need these things? What do I need?” They’re intrigued! Also, for whatever reason, people like numbers–they’re inticing.

You want to write compelling titles that almost force them to click on your post. If you’re really struggling to come up with something, don’t fret! There are tons of websites that can help generate headlines for you.

2. Write compelling content.

Even if you have a headline that draws readers in, you have to make sure the topic and the content are worth reading about. Sure, maybe you’ve grabbed their attention, but you have to make sure you really have it a little while longer.

Related: How To Write Posts That People Will Actually Read & Share.

First and foremost: figure out what you want to talk about. What matters to you? What do you like or dislike? Focus on a topic that is universal but coming from a personal standpoint. People like relatability! 

For example, if you’re a health and wellness company trying to promote your workout gear, or your water bottles, or your protein powder, write about mental and physical health. Talk about self-love or taking care of your body through exercise and eating right. Write something that is inspiring or relatable. Share your own personal stories and experiences! Ask questions that get people thinking. Be transparent and honest in your writing–people will believe your authenticity and credibility that way. 

3. Use your resources.

If you’re not a writer, per se, and you’re struggling to develop engaging content on your blog or website, there are a couple of things you can do to make sure you’re on the right path.

  • Hire a professional writer. There are tons of freelance and professional writers out there who would be more than happy to help you make sure your writing is clear, concise, and worth reading. A lot of, if not all, freelance writers went to school for writing (creative or technical) and so they know what they’re doing! Don’t discredit or neglect them–they want to help you.
  • Use proofreading tools. After you’ve written the blog post, look over it a few times. Go through and check for spelling, grammar, punctuation. It doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but it so is. Typos and mistakes cause people to stumble while reading and it takes them out of the story. You want to keep the flow going and the focus on what you’ve written. After you’ve looked over it a few times, have someone else proofread too. Our eyes can deceive us and people can spot things that we might have missed. Have a friend or a coworker review the post. They are there to help you.
  • Include photos. Visuals, like images or graphs, can add a bit of style and color to your blog post. Don’t use stock photography–hire a real photographer instead. Photographers can provide high-quality content and visuals that are specific to your brand.

Related: 10 Reasons Why You Need Photography For Your Business

4. Make it actionable.

Remember: you’re writing for the readers. You’re not just writing to write, you’re writing because you have something worth sharing. With that being said, think about them and what is going to benefit them, and evidently, benefit you.

Ask them questions. Make them think. Force curiosity on them! If they want to know more about your brand, provide them with social media accounts or contact information. Offer your products, and if possible, provide them with a discount code (everyone loves a good sale). Link your text to older blog posts and circle them around your website with more resources, blog posts, etc.

Figure out what they need and guide them on the right path.

5. Utilize SEO and promote your posts.

New to SEO or promotion through Google? That’s okay–it’s overwhelming even to those who know how to work with it.

SEO, also known as Search Engine Optimization, is the process of increasing quality and quantity of website traffic through visibility via Google (or another search engine). Understanding SEO can be very beneficial to your website and it’s a great way to get people engaging with your posts–literally!

There’s a lot that goes into SEO strategies, though, and it can be a bit complicated sometimes. Through keyword research and link building, you can put yourself on the map (of the Internet). Do some research on what SEO is and how you can get started, and the rest will be smooth sailing.

You can also promote your posts through paid traffic. Paid promotions can go hand-in-hand with SEO strategies and how you can get direct traffic and visitors to your blog. Basically, you can pay the Internet or some tech people to push your blog into peoples’ faces. Paid placement, baby. It’s worth the investment.

Writing a blog post that people will actually engage with can be a challenge. Just do your research on SEO tactics and use your outside resources, like professional writers and photographers, to help you develop and format your posts. Writing something that is authentic, relatable, and inspiring–engaging content is engaging for a reason, so make that known in your writing.