5 Social Media Faux Pas That Are Holding Your Business Back

Photo Credit: Hans Vivek

It’s no secret that social media has permeated just about every aspect of modern existence. From documenting our personal lives to promoting our professional endeavors, social media has become a go-to source for the distribution of information. And when it comes to building a brand, there is no tool that has proven more accessible, more affordable and more efficient. In fact, connecting with potential clients/consumers has likely never been so easy. However, with that level of contact also comes a heightened demand for diligence.

For a professional, social media extends far beyond haphazardly sharing a post. It requires planning, tact and motivation. Not sure if you’re putting your best digital foot forward? Here are 5 social media faux pas that may be holding your business back.

Simple Copy Errors

In the dialed-in era in which we live it may feel like second nature to shorten sentences and words. However, when it comes to a professional account, there’s something to be said for using proper grammar. Most consumers are mindful of where they are choosing to invest their money, so it would be foolish to turn them off because of a misspelled word or obscure acronym. Take the time to write well and double check your work, you’ll thank yourself for it later.

Inconsistent Messaging

When using social media to post about your personal brand or professional ventures, it’s important to create a voice that is consistent and authentic. After all, you want people to understand what you (and your business) stand for. So, be mindful of what you’re posting. If your photos and copy are all over the place, you’re more than likely confusing potential clients, consumers and followers. To mediate this issue, be clear in your message and consistent in the way you express it.

Irregular Posting

Because social media is 24/7, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. If you’re posting schedule is inconsistent you may be missing out on opportunities to network and connect. Creating a plan for yourself to post on specific days or times is a great way to build more of a habit around your account. Plus, the more you put yourself out  there, the more likely people will begin to connect with your business. Your community exists, you just have to find it.

Inappropriate/ Unprofessional Sharing

Just because you have the platform to say something, doesn’t mean you should. If you’re using your business account to readily express personal opinions, thoughts or beliefs, it can be detrimental to the growth of your brand. Why? Because strong opinions tend to isolate people. Now this isn’t to say you shouldn’t be authentic or stand up for what you believe in. However, there is a time and place for everything. So, take time before you post to consider if what you have to say is kind, purposeful and/or necessary. If so, then have at it. 

Isolating Followers

Just as we mentioned earlier, isolating others from wanting to connect with you and/or your business is rarely a good idea. If you’re using social media to attack or speak negatively, you’re displaying to the world that you’re willing to act unprofessionally in a public setting.  And yes, there are of course exceptions to every rule. However, making others feel unwelcome is hardly the answer.

Truth be told, there are a myriad of vendors in virtually every field of business. So, if you can’t make someone feel comfortable and respected, there is likely someone else out there who will. At the end of the day business is not just about what you can do for someone or what kind of talent you bring to the table, often times it is also about how you make them feel in the process. So, be the person people want to work with, and express yourself as such.