Shannon Ciricillo

What Is Pattern Photography?

Creating dynamic and visually captivating photographs is often done through examining and utilizing your surroundings. While technical aspects such as exposure and depth of field are neccessary to understand, a truly talented…

A Guide To Color Temperature

If you have ever edited your images with a warm or cool filter, you are familiar with the concept of color temperature. Often marked as a yellow to blue color scale, color…

Camera Settings For Portraits

Once you have mastered the automatic settings of your camera, it’s time to take on manual mode. Manual shooting gives a photographer more control over their surroundings and is a neccessary technique…

How to Create Soft Edges in Photoshop

How To Create Soft Edges In Photoshop

With the innovation and technological strides in post production software, there has never been a better time to showcase your personal style and vision through the editing of your images. Since the…

What is Wet Plate Photography?

What Is Wet Plate Photography?

If you’re a film photographer or enthusiast, you have most likely heard of the wet plate photography process. Wet plate photography or better known as the collodion process was a technique used…

Creative Photographers

Take your brand marketing to the next level with a professional photographer. It’s time to refresh your creative visual assets.

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