If You Want To Make A Living Doing What You Love, You Have To Be Willing To Do It Constantly

If You Want To Make A Living Doing What You Love, You Have To Be Willing To Do It Constantly

If you want to make a living doing what you love, you have to be willing to do it constantly. You have to be prolific about your creativity. You cannot wait for inspiration to strike or you will never finish your work.

You have to push yourself to sit down at your desk or pick up your paintbrush even when it is the last thing you want to do. You have to stop thinking of your passion as a hobby and start referring to it a career. Like an employee in any other field, you do not have the freedom to take half of your day off.

Just because you are working from home or working for yourself does not mean you can skip work when you are not in the mood. You cannot make a habit of procrastinating. You have to force yourself to work on your latest project, even when you do not feel creative. You have to push passed your mental blockages.

If you want to make a living doing what you love, you cannot think of your art as a hobby anymore. You cannot wait until you have free time to work on your poetry or photography. You have to set aside enough hours to develop your craft every single day.

Following your dreams is an act of bravery — but you should only do it if you are ready to deal with the consequences.

When you choose to work in a creative field, you are choosing to trudge down a difficult road. You are not going to get noticed unless you produce consistent content and you are not going to get paid unless you produce high-quality content.

When you want to make a living doing what you love, you cannot wait for ideas to magically hit you. You have to create ideas out of nothing. You can make as many excuses as you want about how you are feeling uninspired and cannot find your muse, but excuses are not going to earn you a paycheck.

If you do not think you can turn your creativity on and off whenever you want, you should not quit your day job. You should only chase after a career in the arts if you are able to create when you do not feel like creating, if you can push yourself to finish long-winded projects, if you are willing to put in an extreme amount of effort.

When you work in a creative field, your work is never complete. There is a lot more to making a living as a creative than simply creating. When you are finished with your main projects, you have to update your social media. You have to network. You have to market yourself. You have to have a business mind as well as a creative mind.

You should not expect your career to be smooth sailing because you are doing what you love. Even though you are pursuing your passion, you are not always going to have a fun time. You are going to have much more pressure on you than back when you considered your art a hobby. You will be pressured to work longer hours, pressured to finish more projects, pressured to create content other people actually enjoy.

A career in the arts is not easy. It requires constant effort. You cannot pick and choose when you want to create. You have to reach your full potential every single day. You cannot grow lazy. You cannot skate through your work day. You have to take your art seriously.

If you want to make a living doing what you love, you have to be willing to do it constantly. You have to turn your hobby into a habit.