5 Free Ways To Get Your Art Seen
Let’s face it art is EVERYWHERE. Of course, we creatives have our own websites, portfolios, Instagrams, VSCO’s, etc. but we still want our creative, finished products to stand out, and to be seen by the widest audience imaginable. How can we do that without breaking the bank? Free advertising is out there, but it requires the artist to make some sacrifices as well. The way you should try to look at it is that we all have to start somewhere. Simply remember that it won’t always be this way, your art will not always be out in the world for free, but in order to hook some people, you must bait your line.
Related: Find Photographers on the H Hub
Below you can find a list of 5 different ways to get your art seen.
5 Free Ways To Get Your Art Seen
Posters for local events
The first way to get your art seen is to utilize posters for local events.
Everyone’s town has some sort of events. Begin here. For example, in my town in MA and where I lived in CA, there were local coffee shops that would always be hanging posters about different local events happening around the town.
Find out who is in charge and see if they would like you to do the art, the design, or the photos for the posters. Not only is this an easy way to get your work seen in your town, but it’s also an easy portfolio builder, a way to build your business locally, and support your community who will likely support you in return. Build those lasting relationships.
Related: How To Build A Brand In 2019
Illustrate or provide the photographs for publications
The second way to get your art seen is to illustrate or provide photographs for publications.
You can find so many people, companies, and projects that are looking for someone to design their cover art.
You may have to begin doing this for free at first but can offer your services in exchange for credit when your work appears on the published materials. This can lead to further publications jobs down the line.
Related: Set Your Prints Apart With These Innovative Photo Printing Services
Enter Art Competitions
The third way to get your art seen is to enter art competitions.
Often times this can be done for free. You may or may not win, but you are doing yourself a service by putting it all out there. Then let your community, both online and local, know that you submitted your work. Tell them where they can vote if it’s possible, and encourage their support. Who knows you may win and if you do some sort of prize is always involved.
Here are 30 websites that accept free submissions. Make sure you check out what their copyright policies are.
Join an Art Community
The fourth way to get your art seen is to join an art community.
Communities both online and in your own local town are great places to meet new people, learn from other artists, share your own work, and simply interact with people who understand what you do. Spending time with your art community every week will expand your circle of creative friends as well as give you some of your most loyal fans.
So, if you aren’t already a Hub member then you need to go apply right now, and if you are then, use this community to the fullest. Meet as many people as you can, collaborate, dream together, and create some amazing work.
Related: The Museum Network Is Your Passport To Awesome Art
Hang your art in a local business for free
The fifth way to get your art seen is to hang your art in a local business for free.
Sometimes, if you approach a local business in town, I would suggest a bookstore or coffee shop or any combination of the two; you can ask them if you can hang some of your photos on their walls for free. Of course, this means that you must have prints ready and available to hang.
They may not let you put a price on them for selling purposes, but they also could allow that you won’t know until you ask. At least your name will be visible and you can even request to leave business cards on the counter for when customers inevitable ask whose art is on the walls.
If you are interested in spending a bit of money you could see if the local businesses will take a small payment in exchange for you to be able to sell your art from their location. Or perhaps you pay to have a booth at a local art fair/craft fairs. Doing this allows you to sell your items, pass out business cards, and meet a ton of new possible clients to sell work too.
Related: What I Learned From Madison Ave and Who Taught It To Me
I challenge all of your artists to get creative. There are endless possibilities for putting your work out in the world. My best advice is to be courageous, dream big, and don’t ever fear rejection.
Because it will happen, you must pick your pride up and keep on moving forward. If you have other ideas that you want to share, let us know on social at @h_collective