FYI: You Don’t Need To Wake Up At 4 A.M. & Exclusively Drink Celery Juice To Be A Successful Person
Let’s spill some tea, shall we?
How To Not Be Successful 101: Wake up early. Organize your life for the day while drinking some green juice. Do yoga before work or school. Blah blah blah. (FYI: you don’t need to wake up early and drink celery juice to be a successful person.)
Yes, those things are great and definitely a way in which you can improve your life but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to make you successful.
It doesn’t matter what you do, but how you do it.
So here’s how to become successful:
Focus on your commitments. Do something.
There are plenty of people who will post inspiring or motivating quotes from successful people and put their own little spin on it. You know the kind of people I’m talking about? “Make today yours!” “Be your own boss!” “Success is measured by blah blah blah.”
Here’s some tea: if only posting quotes from others but you’re not making things happen, you’re not really doing much.
Stop talking about what you’re gonna do and just do it already!
Be nice to yourself but don’t be too nice.
You know what I mean?
If you’ve been working too hard and are in need of a break, be kind to your mind and your body and take that break. (Self care, baby!) But don’t let yourself quit while you’re ahead, don’t get distracted by little things and don’t lose sight of what you really want to do.
Again, it doesn’t matter what you do, but how you do whatever it is you’re passionate about. If you have something worth striving for, you’re hard-working, and you’re driven, that’s how you become a success.
We’re all trying to make something of ourselves. Understandably so, too. No matter what you’re passionate about — photography, filmmaking, makeup, styling, or writing — you can become successful as long as it’s authentic. If you have that, and with enough drive, anything is possible.