H Collective’s #MetOnTheHub Case Study

Check out our #MetOnTheHub case study and how we are redefining the idea of what it means to be an influencer.

H’s #MetOnTheHub Case Study

There are over four hundred and fifty platforms that connect influencers to brands. Companies like InstaBrand, Influence. Co, TapInfluence, Revfluence, Influicity. The name-generator that spat out their comically similar names seems to also have built their websites, which all tout “the best influencers” and “higher ROI than any other digital marketing tactic.”

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Let’s give our insipid competitors the benefit of the doubt and take their claims at face value. If influencer marketing is so impactful and if they really do have the best influencers why aren’t they funneling all their marketing dollars into their own influencers? Why aren’t they using their own product (their “industry-disrupting” platforms) to market their own product?

#MetOnTheHub Case Study

Photo by Mandee Rae

Hand Picked Creators

At The Hub, when we say we have the best creators, we mean it. We know they are the best because we hand-picked them – all 30,000 of them – one at a time.

And, we know they are the best because we have met them at our 300+ events. We know they are the best because we have seen the work pour out of the 186,000 collaborations that occurred between our members in 2017.

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And we know they are the best because on average, our creators have 12.2% engagement on Instagram whereas our competitors’ “influencers” engagement averages between 5.5% and 7.7%.

At The Hub, our words mean something and we live by them. So, we decided to do what none of our competitors would dare to – we put our money where our mouth is.

Photo by Mickey Mars

The #MetOnTheHub Hashtag

One month ago, we hired our top creators to market our platform, spending nearly $40,000 from our limited marketing budget. Photographers and models from across the country used our platform to find and collaborate with other talented creators they had never met before.

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They each did three shoots with other Hub members and posted their favorite image from each shoot with the hashtag #MetOnTheHub.

The hashtag caught on and generated 2,244 posts with over 80,000,000 impressions. Our site (www.thehhub.com) generated over 13,500 organic hits from Google last month.

Moreover, we have received dozens of inbound leads from brands wanting to work with our creators to generate meaningful content of their own when we launch our Brand Module in early July.

As far as we are concerned, in 2018, if you aren’t your own best case study then you are just another InstaBrandfluencer.